Sale & Leaseback Advisory Services in KSA

The sale & Leaseback model enables you to keep using an asset even after you sell it. It is a simple financial transaction where you come into a lease agreement with the buyer that allows you to keep using the asset after you sell it for capital. Land Sterling offers sale and leaseback advisory services to asset sellers in KSA where we assist in designing the right leaseback model for assets. 

Land Sterling has extensive experience in coming up with sale and leaseback models for high-value assets. Our services enable asset sellers to gain capital quickly, without needing to give away the asset usage. We create the most appropriate sale and leaseback model that helps protect the interests of our clients. 

What is Sale & Leaseback?

A Sale & Leaseback is a financial transaction in which the owner of an asset sells it to a buyer and then leases it back from them. Everything happens as per the terms defined in the sale and leaseback model. The purpose of this type of transaction is to enable the seller to use the asset without owning it. 

Land Sterling offers expert advice in coming up with the right terms and conditions for the sale and leaseback. We conduct thorough research of the asset to ensure that all essential consideration points get looked at before finalising the transaction. 

Purpose & Benefits of Sale & Leaseback

The sale and leaseback model is a great alternative for bank financing. It enables the seller of an asset to get access to capital fast, without needing to pay off any interest rates. The process is simple, you sell the asset and lease it back to yourself. After that, you can use the funds released for other investment or development projects.

Learn more about best property due investment diligence.

Professional Sale & Leaseback Consultancy in KSA

Land Sterling has a team of RICS-certified Sale & Leaseback consultancy experts who offer advice tailored to your specific financing needs. We handle the entire sale and leaseback strategy on your behalf to ensure that your interests stay protected throughout the transaction. 

Contact Land Sterling right now to get a free quote for our Sale & Leaseback advisory services in Saudi Arabia.


Sale & Leaseback is a contract in which the seller sells an asset to the buyer and then enters into a second contract where the seller leases the asset back from the buyer.
The two types of sale and leaseback include operation leases and capital leases. You can get in touch with Land Sterling to learn more about these different leaseback types.
Sale & Leaseback offer you tax advantages, along with access to working capital. It is the best alternative for bank financing in terms of long-term value. You get a greater cash flow because you get access to the capital that was initially tied up in the ownership of the asset.

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Sale & Leaseback

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